#Golpedeestado and #Fraudeenbolivia: An analysis of digital communities 20/O crisis.
Bolivia, Twitter, Digital Communities, DemocracyAbstract
The article has the objective to understand the conformation of the digital communities around the hastags #GolpeDeEstado (coup) and #FraudeEnBolivia (electoral fraud in Bolivia) in the Twitter during Bolivian crisis of October 20th (from the 10th to the 12th of November, 2019). A quantitative methodology was applied based on the digital networks analysis and semantic networks. The article gives graphics about the composition of the digital communities through the actor’s networks, trends analysis and semantic networks. In the case of #GolpeDeEstado, the articulation of the community has as centre @ evoespueblo, official account in Twitter of the former Bolivian President Evo Morales Ayma. On the other hand, #FraudeEnBolivia has a random shape based on communities that comes from Bolivian civil society. Both hashtags present a political dispute in an international level that opens the possibility to revalue the democratic participation reach.
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