Opinion microdynamics around the #RayoEvolizador hashtag on Twitter


  • Alex Ojeda Copa Universidad Mayor de San Simón
  • Valeria Peredo Rodríguez Universidad Mayor de San Simón




Bolivia, Public opinion, Social Networks, Twitter, Social Network Analysis


The article analyzes the opinion microdynamics generated around the hashtag #RayoEvolizador, which includes the identification of the participating communities, their purposes, the forms of their interaction and the main themes that circulated. For this, methods of automated data collection, quantitative analysis of conversation networks and qualitative analysis of images were used. It was possible to identify three different microdynamics, the first one more civil and spontaneous, the second more activist and tactical, and the third more political and centralized.

Author Biographies

Alex Ojeda Copa, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Boliviano, licenciado en Sociología y magister en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Especialista en Sociología Digital.

Valeria Peredo Rodríguez, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Boliviana, estudiante de Antropología. Investiga temas de Antropología Urbana y Antropología Digital


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Microdinámicas de opinión  alrededor del hashtag  #RayoEvolizador en Twitter



How to Cite

Ojeda Copa, A., & Peredo Rodríguez, V. (2018). Opinion microdynamics around the #RayoEvolizador hashtag on Twitter . Revista Punto Cero, 23(37), 29–39. https://doi.org/10.35319/puntocero.20183740