Covid-19 pandemic aggravated by digital infoxication assessment in the population of the Tumbes district Peru




Media, Mental Health, Public Opinion, Pandemic


Millions of people use the internet to look for certain aspects related to science and health on plataforms that- give free access to a huge amount of information. This diversity of commu- nication channels has contributed to the difussion of messages generated by unauthorized sources besides of belives, some comments or opinions of the colective. This excess of informa- tion denominated infoxication lends the individual to a state of fatigue that makes it impossible for them to pro- cess information triggering anxiety and stress. The objective of this study was to identify the existence of digital infoxication associated with Covid-19 pandemic. A cycle of negative emo- tions that harm a mental health of the users is revealed with also influences the reduction of responsible behaviors like a social distances required to face the health crises that pandemic impo- ses.

Author Biography

Oscar Calixto La Rosa Feijoo, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes

Docente Universitario Nombrado categoría Auxiliar, con 25 años de experiencia, licenciado en Educación Física por la Universidad nacional Mayor de San Marcos, tiene conocimientos en entrenamiento deportivo, Psicomotricidad, Investigación, con grado de maestro en docencia y Gestión educativa por la Universidad Cesar Vallejo, grado de Doctor en Educación por la Universidad cesar Vallejo, se desempeña como docente auxiliar en la Universidad Nacional de Tumbes.


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Pandemia COVID 19 agravada por la infoxicación digital, valoración en la población del distrito Tumbes Perú


2022-12-31 — Updated on 2023-01-10


How to Cite

Preciado Chávez, M. F., La Rosa Feijoo, O. C., Mena Farfán, K. V., & Mogollón Medina, J. M. (2023). Covid-19 pandemic aggravated by digital infoxication assessment in the population of the Tumbes district Peru. Revista Punto Cero, 27(45), 102–105. (Original work published December 31, 2022)

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