Disney princesses, from the palace to the llajta: Cultural consumption from the transgenerational perspective of women from Cochabamba





Disney Princesses, Cultural consumption, Transgenerational perspective, Archetypes, Femininity


This research has the purpose of determine how is the cultural consumption of the representation of the main characters of “Cinderella, Mulán and Frozen” since the transgenerational perspective of women from Cochabamba. For it, through discussion groups and interviews, it is established the speech that mothers and daughters create about the narratives and finally it is determined how they integrate the princess characteristics at their own realities. It is discovered that the main characters share aspects as kindness, compassion or beauty, but also they show different personalities that not only fit in the damsel in distress archetype, but also with the adventuress, free spirits, and the protector ones. Taking this into account, women have formed a mixed discourse on the narratives, identifying positive and negative aspects. In this way, by consuming these products at different stages of their lives they have perceived that they are reflected in their personalities, motivations and some actions, showing that there are different types of femininity and that gender roles are just labels that limit human complexity.

Author Biography

Aldana Micaela Pereira Aquino, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Cochabambina. Bachelor in Social Communication from the Bolivian Catholic University “San Pablo,” former member of the journalism lab and the Scientific Society of Social Communication. Knowledgeable in network research, audiovisual media, and cultural consumption.


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How to Cite

Pereira Aquino, A. M. (2024). Disney princesses, from the palace to the llajta: Cultural consumption from the transgenerational perspective of women from Cochabamba. Revista Punto Cero, 29(49), 9–27. https://doi.org/10.35319/puntocero.202449245

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