¿Making sense for social change? A theoretical approach from phylosophy to organization studies


  • Guadalupe Peres-Cajías Universidad Católica Boliviana




Making Sense, Communication, Social Change


Making sense has been quite argued in Latin American Studies in Social Communication. Since Jesús Martin Barbero introduced his text “De los medios a las mediaciones” (1989), sense has started a complex and struggled path for being assumed as the object of study in Communication. However, its applicability has been limited to an only area of this domain: cultural process. Nevertheless, as it will be presented in this paper, is possible to apply this category for understand and promote social change process, because of the theoretical conditions within sense making has been developed. In order to do so, it will be presented a review on the philosophical basis of this concept (hermeneutics and phenomenology), going through Latin American studies in Communication, to conclude with the incomes of organizational and communitarian studies. Thus, expand the common understanding about sense making for new research interest by answering to the question: how making sense has been related with social change?

Author Biography

Guadalupe Peres-Cajías, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Candidata doctoral del programa Estudios Mediáticos y de la Comunicación de la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (VUB), en el marco del programa de inter cooperación universitaria VLIRUCB. Este artículo se basa en la primera fase de conceptualización de la investigación “Making sense in Transdisciplinary Learning Communities for vulnerable contexts in Bolivia”.


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¿Producción de sentido para el cambio social? Una revisión conceptual desde la filosofía a los estudios de organización  social



How to Cite

Peres-Cajías, G. . (2019). ¿Making sense for social change? A theoretical approach from phylosophy to organization studies. Revista Punto Cero, 24(38), 73–81. https://doi.org/10.35319/puntocero.20193837