Framing of the media from Lakoff's Theory of Mental Frames on the Coltan bonanza in Colombia between 2009 and 2014


  • Laura Toro Arenas Universidad EAFIT
  • Venus Toro Arenas Universidad EAFIT
  • Carolina Suárez Torres Universidad EAFIT



Mental Frames, Father Figures, Coltán, Mining, Media


This article exposes that the coltan boom in Colombia that began in 2009, which had a polarized representation in the Colombian newspapers, where one of the positions was associated to the metaphorical imitative scheme of the figure of the “strict father” while the other to the “protective father”, both theoretical postulations of Lakoff (2007). This phenomenon is relevant because it serves as a review scheme to a case study for the way in which the narrative of mining is constructed in the Colombian media and the way in which it is linked to long-standing political forms, as well as with representations of the authority and the role of the State. In this text an explanatory scheme of this phenomenon is proposed from the postulates of metaphorical schemes of Lakoff and the press review. The case of coltan boom between 2009 and 2014 is analyzed in all Colombian newspapers that referred to the topic from a review of a matrix that involves the conceptualization of mental frames and metaphorical schemes and concludes that indeed, this phenomenon is framed in relation to the two figures already mentioned.

Author Biographies

Laura Toro Arenas, Universidad EAFIT

Colombiana. Ciencias Políticas, Universidad. EAFIT, Filosofía, Universidad de Antioquia, Investigadora, Universidad EAFIT

Venus Toro Arenas, Universidad EAFIT

Colombiana, estudiante de séptimo semestre de Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad EATIF

Carolina Suárez Torres, Universidad EAFIT

Colombiana, estudiante de octavo semestre de la Universidad EATIF


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Enmarcación de los medios de  comunicación desde la teoría de  Los Marcos Mentales de Lakoff  sobre la bonanza del Coltán en  Colombia entre el 2009 y 2014



How to Cite

Toro Arenas, L., Toro Arenas, V., & Suárez Torres, C. (2018). Framing of the media from Lakoff’s Theory of Mental Frames on the Coltan bonanza in Colombia between 2009 and 2014. Revista Punto Cero, 23(36), 21–38.