Documentary cinema in the start value of the heritage. An analysis Toquilla song




Documentary Film, Enhancement of Heritage, Fine Straw Hat, UNESCO Representative List


In order to make a critical reading that allows to determine the opportunities to impact through the cinema in the diffusion of traditional art heritage woven of fine straw hat, it was analyzed the documentary “Canción de toquilla”, following a methodology based on voice-mode relationship, and 11 out of 20 questions proposed by Tobar. “Cancion de toquilla” is a text capable of mobilizing, raising awareness about the reality of the weavers of the straw hat toquilla, while also remarking the space where the technique of product development is maintained, however, it does not allow observing the artisan tradition born of pre-Hispanic times, which could prevent the audiovisual from becoming a useful cultural product in the promotion of identity.

Author Biography

Kepler Ribadeneira Aroca, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

Ecuatoriano, máster en Periodismo, docente del Centro de Promoción y Apoyo al Ingreso y colaborador del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí. (ciudad de Portoviejo, provincia de Manabí)


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El cine documental en la puesta en valor del patrimonio. Un análisis  de canción de toquilla



How to Cite

Ribadeneira Aroca, K. (2018). Documentary cinema in the start value of the heritage. An analysis Toquilla song. Revista Punto Cero, 23(36), 9–19.