Internal Communication: from dimensions to channels




Internal Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, Conflict Resolution


Internal communication is often referred to as the mere transmission of information through different channels to an organization's internal audiences. However, the underlying internal communication process that occurs during the interaction of its members in different processes and spaces is often overlooked. The objective of this essay is to reflect on and provide some practical advice on internal communication within the framework of work teams, leadership, conflict resolution, and endomarketing, dimensions that are rarely addressed in internal communication studies. As a main conclusion to consider, it is worth noting that: Internal communication exists beyond the means or channels used. Only by considering the processes, spaces, and characteristics where its members interact can the internal communication of an organization be fully understood.

Author Biography

Luis Ernesto Farinango Cabezas, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Ecuadorian. Bachelor's degree in Social Communication from the Central University of Ecuador, Master's degree in Communication and Public Opinion from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Ecuador branch (FLACSO), and Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently, a professor at the Faculty of Social Communication of the Central University of Ecuador.


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Comunicación interna



How to Cite

Farinango Cabezas, L. E. (2024). Internal Communication: from dimensions to channels. Revista Punto Cero, 29(49), 89–100.