Returning to those who want to leave: comment interaction on the YouTube video “떠나려 하는 모든 이에게” (to all those who want to leave)




Social interaction, YouTube, Mental health, South Korea


The present investigation aims to analyze the interaction of the comments in the video “떠나려 하는 모든 이에게” (To all whom wants to leave) of the channel “새던” (Sedawnn) in YouTube in April of 2021. This video was a case of success of a virtual community formed for purpose of consolation in the middle of high indexes of suicide and social isolation in South Korea. With a deliberate sample of 253 comments, a quantitative methodology using the three variants of content analysis was applied to achieve the results: thematic, semantic and network. The interaction in this space is expressive and positive in its attitude, interpersonal and informal in its speech, and complementary and functional in its mode of relation. This opens up the discussion of platform of YouTube as a potential space of consolation as well as the digital social media's contribution in communication for mental health.


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Returning to those who want to leave: comment interaction on the YouTube video “떠나려 하는 모든 이에게” (to all those who want to leave)



How to Cite

Park, H. (2023). Returning to those who want to leave: comment interaction on the YouTube video “떠나려 하는 모든 이에게” (to all those who want to leave). Revista Punto Cero, 28(47), 49–64.