Characterization of the digital conversation on the rejection of COVID-19 vaccines in Facebook posts from newspaper pages Página Siete and Los Tiempos




Coronavirus, Social Networks, Vaccination, Newspaper, Facebook, Digital Conversation, Bolivia


The rejection of COVID-19 vaccines in Bolivia causes the vaccination campaign to progress slowly. This research was carried out aiming to characterize the digital conversation about the rejection of COVID-19 vaccines in the Facebook posts of the pages of the newspapers Página Siete and Los Tiempos, between March and July of 2021. The method used to addressing the problem was virtual ethnography. A digital observation guide was used to build a database with a total of 223 publications for further analysis. The results are organized according to the categories: digital conversation topics, evolution and virtual communities. Among the most relevant results, it is shown that the conversation about rejection varies according to the brands of the vaccines. The topic of the political link for or against authorities regarding the management of the vaccination process and vaccine brands is constant in most of the publications. This research is a point of reference to make visible the influence of social networks in the decision-making of the Bolivian population and a means that facilitates the adaptation of strategies to increase vaccination rates.

Author Biography

Javier Alberto Olmos Aguilar, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Psicólogo boliviano, cuenta con diplomados, investigador independiente y voluntario en diferentes organizaciones.


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Caracterización de la conversación digital sobre el rechazo a las vacunas Covid-19 en publicaciones de Facebook de páginas de periódicos Página Siete y Los Tiempos



How to Cite

Olmos Aguilar, . J. A. . (2022). Characterization of the digital conversation on the rejection of COVID-19 vaccines in Facebook posts from newspaper pages Página Siete and Los Tiempos. Revista Punto Cero, 27(44), 56–70.