The substance you want and believe Roger Pouivet: from the Epistemology of Virtue to Aesthetic Virtuosity. Proposal of a different way of facing aesthetics and its enhancement


  • Gabriel Iriarte Rico Universidad Católica Boliviana



Roger Pouviet, Epistemology, Virtue


This exhibition is based on the thought of Roger Pouivet and his study of the epistemology of virtue. I emphasize that “it is based” because what I do and sometimes force to make sense of it is to use this thought to interpret our reality with what we believe to be art. I think this adaptation is intended to provide one more vision that does not seek to be absolute, only to provide justice to the aesthetic analysis.

Author Biography

Gabriel Iriarte Rico, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Narrador Oral, Gestor Cultural, Docente Universitario y Comunicador Social.


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Pouivet, R. (2015) “Épistémologie, esthétique et vertus ”, La connaissance et ses raisons. Perspectives épistémologiques contemporaine, Collège de France , Paris DOI:

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La substancia que quiere y que cree Roger Pouivet: de la Epistemología de la virtud al virtuosismo estético. Propuesta de una forma distinta de afrontar la estética y su valorización



How to Cite

Iriarte Rico, G. . (2020). The substance you want and believe Roger Pouivet: from the Epistemology of Virtue to Aesthetic Virtuosity. Proposal of a different way of facing aesthetics and its enhancement. Revista Punto Cero, 25(40), 59–65.