Links between the perception of young people aged 17 to 22, on the beauty ideals shown on the social networks instagram/tik tok and the impact on the creation of their content




Consumption, social networks , filters , stereotypes , young people


The research arises from observing the social networks Instagram/Tik Tok and how a large amount of content is based specifically on the physique, showing hundreds of characteristics of beauty ideals. These were imposed on society for years, currently it is believed that they have changed or disappeared. In this way, the general objective is set which is : to establish the links between the perception of young people between 17 and 22 years old, on the ideals of beauty shown in the chosen networks and its impact on the construction of content within them. Following a mixed methodology, surveys, interviews and content analysis are carried out. This research finds that young people consume ideals of beauty, within the studied applications, they normalize and adapt the content they produce, and they also perceive these stereotypes as their own, when in reality they have been in society for centuries.

Author Biography

Ana Elena Ortuño Sepúlveda, Universidad Católica Boliviana

Licenciada en Comunicación Social Asistente Administrativa y Comunity Manager Fábrica textil Manos del Oeste, Buenos Aires.


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Links between the perception of young people aged 17 to 22, on the beauty ideals shown on the social networks instagram/tik tok and the impact on the creation of their content



How to Cite

Ortuño Sepúlveda, A. E. (2023). Links between the perception of young people aged 17 to 22, on the beauty ideals shown on the social networks instagram/tik tok and the impact on the creation of their content. Revista Punto Cero, 28(47), 9–23.