This is an outdated version published on 2023-01-10. Read the most recent version.

Virtual communities on Facebook: from consumption to cultural cons- truction in the group “Learn Korean for Latinos”




Facebook Group, Group Dynamics, Culture, Interaction, Learning


This article aims to explain how the cancellation culture debate developed in the case of Pepe Le Pew on Twitter through the analysis of the content of the tweets on the subject, the classi- fication of interactions between users and the identification of their profi- les according to their position in the debate. For this, the content analy- sis technique was used along with non-participant observation. Through this analysis it was possible to identify that most of the content of the debate were against the cancellation of Pepe, but proposed to cancel other charac- ters, groups or content, thus creating a cancellation of the cancellation. In turn, the interactions were based on defending this position, excluding or attacking different perspectives. Also, it was shown that the majority of users maintained a certain degree of anon- ymity and that the role of the media made the debate controversial by pointing out a supposed cancellation.


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Comunidades virtuales en Facebook: Las dinámicas grupales que conectan a los miembros de “Aprende coreano para Latinos”


2022-12-31 — Updated on 2023-01-10


How to Cite

Encinas, M. B., Jiménez Vega, L. C., & García Franic, S. (2023). Virtual communities on Facebook: from consumption to cultural cons- truction in the group “Learn Korean for Latinos”. Revista Punto Cero, 27(45), 88–101. (Original work published December 31, 2022)

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